White Bread made with EASY100

EASY100 Enzyme Active Full Fat Soy Flour is part of the USDA standard of identity of white pan breads, and is also a base ingredient in many dough conditioning systems. This basic white bread formula demonstrates the bleaching effect of EASY100 at only 0.5% (wheat flour basis).

Basic White Bread

Demonstrating EASY100 Enzyme Active Full Fat Soy Flour as a bleaching agent

baker’s %
baker’s %
Bread Flour 100.0% 600.0 100.0% 600.0
EASY100 Enzyme Active Soy Flour 0.5% 3.0
Sugar 4.0% 24.0 4.0% 24.0
Salt 2.0% 12.0 2.0% 12.0
SSL 0.5% 3.0 0.5% 3.0
Shortening 4.0% 24.0 4.0% 24
Instant yeast 3.0% 18.0 3.0% 18.0
Water 64.0% 384.0 64.5% 387.0
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